Conditions générales

01 - Préambule

This Website has been prepared solely for the purpose of presenting the Compagnie d’Investissements et de Gestion Privée (hereafter “CIGP”), as well as its related companies, its services and products. 

By accessing and any pages thereof you have agreed to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below, please do not access this Website or any pages thereof.

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the other language versions of the Website, the English version shall prevail.

02 - Accord

Persons and companies who access information, CIGP’s Websites, suggested links, any related document or statements (hereinafter the “Website”) acknowledge and confirm that they have reviewed, understood and agreed to the following important legal information and terms of use (“Terms of Use”). Should they not agree with the following terms and conditions, they are kindly invited to leave the Website. 

03 - Exclusion de garantie

CIGP used all reasonable care to ensure that the provided information is fair, accurate, and complete. However, CIGP makes no representation or warranty to the accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any purpose or use of such information whatsoever.

The information contained and accessed on this Website is provided by CIGP and is not intended to replace or serve as substitute for any professional economic or legal advice based on an existing situation and should therefore not be used as a basis for any specific action, plan or decision.

04 - Limite de responsabilité

Statements about investment performances are only general considerations. Their values and incomes may go down as up and investors may not retrieve their upfront investments. Past performances shall not be considered as indications for the future. No information on the Website shall be considered as investment advice and no general communication should be relied on to make strategic choices.

CIGP therefore expressly disclaims, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind, including any direct, indirect or consequential damages, which might be incurred through the use of or access to this Website.

05 - Absence d’offre

Neither the information nor the opinion expressed by CIGP Website constitutes a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to engage in any transaction or to provide financial advice.

06 - Restrictions légales

CIGP information has not been designed or intended for specific persons or nationals of any jurisdiction whatsoever. Therefore, access to our Website may be restricted by laws and regulations applicable to the user. Persons for whom – due to their nationality, residence or otherwise – CIGP’s information are prohibited shall not access the Website and are kindly invited to leave this Website.

CIGP information has not been designed or intended for specific persons or nationals of any jurisdiction whatsoever.

Therefore, access to our Website may be restricted by laws and regulations applicable to the user. Persons for whom – due to their nationality, residence or otherwise – CIGP’s information are prohibited shall not access the Website and are kindly invited to leave this page.

CIGP does not offer any cross border solutions or Investments and specific advice shall be sought by specialists.

Hong Kong

Compagnie d'Investissements et de Gestion Privée (Hong Kong) Limited (BAS383) is licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) to conduct Type 1 (Dealing in securities), Type 4 (Advising on securities) and Type 9 (Asset management) activities; the provision of such regulated activities and services is restricted to "Professional Investors" only.

As defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571, Laws of Hong Kong) and its subsidiary legislation, "Professional Investors" include the following:

1) exchange companies and other automated trading facilities;

2) licensed financial intermediaries, their wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding companies;

3) licensed banks, their wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding companies;

4) licensed insurers;

5) authorised retail funds;

6) Hong Kong mandatory provident fund schemes or a trustee or an investment manager of any such scheme;

7) any government or central banking authority;

8) an individual with a portfolio of investments valued at least HK$8,000,000;

9) an investment holding company wholly-owned by an individual referred to in preceding category

10) a trust corporation with total assets of at least HK$40,000,000; and

11) a corporation or partnership having a portfolio valued at least HK$8,000,000 or total assets of at least HK$40,000,000.

The information accessible on this website is entitled in Hong Kong only for "Professional Investors". 

United Kingdom

CIGP (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number: 919724)

UAE – Dubai

Compagnie d'Investissements et de Gestion Privée (Hong Kong) Limited (DIFC Representative Office) is the representative office of Compagnie d’Investissements et de Gestion Privée (Hong Kong) Limited, authorized by the DFSA under number F005673 and registered in DIFC at Unit OT 20-46, Level 20, Central Park Offices, DIFC, PO Box 212442, Dubai, UAE. Compagnie d'Investissements et de Gestion Privée (Hong Kong) Limited (DIFC Representative Office) is authorized to represent CIGP and to promote its financial services and products.


CIGP Compagnie d’Investissements et de Gestion Privée SA, "CIGP SA", based in Switzerland, is registered at the following address: 1, rue Maurice, CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland. It is supervised by SO-FIT, Supervisory Body for Financial Institutions in Switzerland. As of 1st January 2022, following the new regulatory requirements of the FinSA/FinIA laws, the Swiss entity is applying to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), to become licensed and regulated as a Portfolio Manager.

07 – Informations importantes relatives aux transactions

Unless otherwise specifically stated, each CIGP Group individual company may act either as an agent or as a principal. In particular circumstances, CIGP Group related companies may hold investments as a principal in the same underlying product(s) mentioned here-above. CIGP Group related companies may have partnerships or other contractual agreements with some of the issuers and/or provider(s) of the underlying product(s) to market or sell its product(s). Each CIGP Group individual company typically acts independently and neither itself nor any of its other CIGP Group related companies shall benefit from product origination or distribution from these issuers or providers, whether in monetary or non-monetary terms, which would be likely to impair CIGP’s independence.

08 - Politique de confidentialité

CIGP Website collects technical data about visitors. For more information, please read the "Cookie policy”.

09 - Droits d’auteur

All material, document, text and information on CIGP’s Website is protected by copyright, subject to any rights accruing to third parties. You may not reproduce, copy (either in full or in part), transmit (electronically or by any other means), alter, create a link to, or use the Website for public or commercial use of any kind without the written permission of CIGP.

10 - Modifications

CIGP may change this statement at any time. The version published on this Website is the latest and valid version. The latest update occurred on the 7th of April 2020.

11 - Contacts

For any request or question you may have in relation to this notice, please fill CIGP contact form here.

12 - Loi applicable

Access to and use of the Website as well as the Terms of Use are governed by Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Geneva (Switzerland).