
财富管理 服务地点:

We are an independent financial institution, built by entrepreneurs three generations ago, and focused on helping other entrepreneurs, high-net-worth individuals and families effectively meet the challenges they face.

Our tailor-made global asset allocation and portfolio management services are built around your unique investment profile and needs. We build long-term solutions that balance wealth preservation and capital appreciation, while always working towards your objectives.

Our client-oriented approach to wealth management is holistic, and built on long-term, productive and trusting relationships.

Our offering revolves around the following pillars:


We are traditional and proud of our history. But we are not afraid to embrace the modern world and harness the latest innovations to drive our services forward. We relentlessly challenge ourselves.

Your needs and objectives are always our starting point, and the tailored solutions we create leverage our expertise and track record, robust infrastructure and fully open architecture.


We are proudly unbiased, as it allows us to always work towards creating the best results for our clients.

As a multi-generational institution, we believe that independence should be at the heart of everything we do. This is what has made us valuable and trusted partners.


We are hard workers, systematic and value the quality of our work. Relentlessly aiming to deliver high-end services to our clients, to their full satisfaction, is our ultimate objective.

我们识别并确定投资机会的方法是否成功取决于对您和您所处环境的了解。客户所生活和工作的环境是不断变化的, 我们自身也同时在不断变化。因此,持续的研究工作有助于我们更好地了解世界,并利用最新的技术和洞察帮助客户适应并发展壮大....